If you are looking to generate more sales calls, then you are in luck! This article is for any business that is wanting to generate more sales calls and we will show you how to easily schedule 30+ sales each month using cold email.
Cold email is a great resource to achieve many different outcomes. It’s the foundation that we built our agency on and allows us to book calls for our clients each month so that they can grow their business and scale. It allows our clients to sell more while we do the work of filling up their calendars with potential clients.
But first…
Does Cold Email Work?
In order to answer that question, let’s look at the data from a recent study by DataBox on the effectiveness of cold email as a channel for increasing sales in businesses.
While there are some that say cold email is dead, there are many companies killing it and using it to grow their businesses. Those that say it doesn’t work are simply doing it wrong. We want everyone to succeed and there have put together this guide so that you can refine your campaigns and succeed in growing your business through cold email.
If you are serious about scaling up your meetings through cold email and are willing to put in the work to improve your campaigns, then this guide is for you.
There are many things to consider when using cold email to generate more sales leads for your business. So let’s walk through the main parts that are affecting your ability to book 30+ meetings per month with cold email.
1) Lack Of Feedback Data
In order to craft cold email campaigns that work at scale, you need to try different variations to see what works for your business and your market. In order to do this, you need to trial and error different messages in your campaigns to see which ones resonate with your audience.
Your cold email campaign is probably not going to work the first time that you do. That’s the reality. So you need to test different variations enough so that you have enough data to analyse which campaigns are working better so that you can analyse them and improve on the messaging.
In our agency, we run multiple campaigns for our clients in the first few weeks of onboarding so that we can trial multiple messaging routes to see which ones resonate the most. Once we find the basis of what isn’t working, we remove the garbage and improve on the ones that deliver some interaction from potential clients, constantly improving until we hit ones that gain traction for booking meetings with potential clients.
Only then, do we scale up our campaigns as it is a waste of data sending out messaging that doesn’t work.
It’s important to look at the metrics that you’ve got and then make your improvements.
The formula is:
If you don’t do this, you will never be able to scale your cold email campaigns at scale to book more meetings.
Put the first campaign out there, get the metrics back and then work on actually improving them – from the messaging itself to the subject lines sp, improving the benchmarks so the results are higher so that you get higher open rates, response rates and most importantly, more meeting requests in the diary.
Here at MarGen, we book anywhere from 3 to 8 meetings per 100 emails we send and we do this through a heavy testing procedure. IF you aren’t achieving this through your campaigns, then it’s time to go back to the drawing board and make the adjustments needed to scale your cold email campaigns.
The main parameters are:
1) Percentage of cold emails hitting SPAM
2) Open Rates
3) Response Rates – more importantly, what those responses are
4) Lead Quality
If you improve these, you will get results… PERIOD!
2) Lack Of Authority
Think about how many emails you get from people trying to sell you something. LEt’s face it, we all get them and most of them are poor. Very poor in fact.
Whilst there are many parts to pick at, one of the key factors is that they come from someone with no authority in their industry.
They have no skin in the game.
When cold emailing potential clients, in order to come from a place of authority, you have to have data to back up your words and statements. Otherwise, people will call BS and send your emails straight to the bin.
Remember, you are sending cold emails to people that have probably never heard of you. So to establish yourself as an authoritative figure, state your position with facts by sharing the results you have produced for your clients and back them up with case studies.
When cold emailing potential clients, don’t feed them with tonnes of information. Be sharp and precise on your position so that your introduction (and follow-ups) and concise with the results you can achieve for your clients. This isn’t about you, it’s about them and needs to be formulated from a position of authority while placing the (potential) client at the forefront of the messaging.
If somebody trusts you they’re more willing to actually give you their time to pitch what you can do for them. You do this by positioning yourself properly.
The reader needs to have trust in what they’re going to get in return is going to be more of more value than what they’re giving you in their time and money.
Once they know that you are not going to be wasting their time on a call, then know you are not going to be wasting their money.
Provide the result that you’re selling. The best way to establish this is by showing yourself as an expert or authority figure within your niche, market or industry.
3) Lead Quality
Data is key and this couldn’t be more prevalent when looking at the lead quality.
You could have the most compelling offer for, say, C-Suite Marketing positions in tech companies. But if you are emailing the chefs at a restaurant, the message will fall on deaf ears. Yes this is an over-exaggeration. But you get the point.
Lead quality is probably the biggest contributor to poor results. Even if your wording is poor, if your offer stands out to the right people, then you will get some meetings booked regardless. But only if your lead quality is great for your cold email campaigns.
The key to data:
- Is it correct and up to date? Has the data been verified and cleaned?
- Are you focusing on the right roles in the right sector so that your offer resonates to them specifically?
- Can the company afford to buy what you offer?
Unverified data will cause your domain to get marked as SPAM.
Focusing on the wrong roles of the wrong sector will cause your campaigns to fall on deaf ears.
Reaching out to companies who can’t afford your services will waste their time and yours.
If you have all these parameters correct and your cold email campaigns are going to the right people who are in the perfect position to actually go ahead with what you are selling, they have the budget to pay for it and they have a need for it, then you’re going to have entirely different results.
If, however, you have one campaign where you’ve got a mixture of different leads, where you’ve got some that are really really good and some that are really really bad, then your feedback data will be flawed and you cannot refine it properly and hence unable to scale your cold emails campaigns to book 30+ calls per month in your diary.
Most people who cold email, fail to understand the importance of truly knowing who they are emailing.
They don’t like to do the research that is required to come up with a compelling offer, find the right data and then make the refinements to scale up their cold email campaigns. It takes time to do all the above, especially when your job is not specifically tied to cold email.
This is why agencies like ourselves and Focus & Co achieve results for our clients where they stay with us. It’s also why we have won awards from boards like Digital Agency Leaders. Our sole purpose is to produce cold email campaigns that produce results. It’s specifically what we do and therefore all our efforts go into our campaigns for our clients.
We also understand that not every business wants to outsource the process which is why we write these guides so that you can refine your campaigns and get the results you need in order to scale your business.
If you want to speak with one of our team, book a brainstorming session below to see what we can do to increase the amount of sales meetings you have in your diary each month.